The Neverending Story Web Page


This section is for the TV shows, movies, books, etc. that have mentioned or alluded to The Neverending Story.

Carl Jung Psychological Types

Carl Jung developed a method of classifying personality types of people. TypeLogic's site describes these personality types. Its description of INFP includes fictional character examples, one of which is Bastian. Crossword Puzzle

Puzzle name:
Rough Stuff by James R. Richardson
Date shown:
17 Feb 2001
"The NeverEnding Story" Michael (answer is "Ende" of course)
Screen capture:
solved puzzle

Nick Freno: Licensed Teacher

Episode name:
Gargoyle Guys
Season 1
Date aired:
Wed 8 Jan 1997, 8:30pm
Scene (based on memory):
Nick and a friend are stuck on a window ledge of a tall building. Nick climbs on a gargoyle nearby and looks around screaming "Atreyu" or "Falkor" (I can't remember).

The Simpsons

Episode name:
New Kid On The Block
Season 4 (1992-1993)
Homer asks Lionel Hutz (played by the late Phil Hartman) to help in a lawsuit against Captain McAlister' All-You-Can-Eat seafood restaurant called "The Frying Dutchman".
Mr. Simpson, this is the most blatant case of fraudulent advertising since my suit against the film The Neverending Story.